April15: CrossFit: Strength: Rack Jerk - Test for 1 Rep Max:
105lbs. WOD: 20 rounds of 30%pushups, 30% sit ups, 30% squats.
Completed: 20 rounds of 5 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 squats in 27:37. Longest WOD I have done. Total of 100 push ups, 200 sit ups and 200 squats. I am tired, but happy I finished. I strongly debated stopping at 15 rounds when I was doing my 11th round I realized there was 9 more to do. Thinking I can do one more round got me through rounds 12 to 16 and then there were only a few more to reach the full 20 rounds.
April16: 30 minute online pilates class. I am loving having access to so many yoga and pilates videos at
www.myyogaonline.com. I would definitely recommend a subscription if you are looking to do a bit of exercise at home.
April17: Kids are almost healthy. We got outside for a short walk late in the day.
April18: CrossFit: Strength: Box Squats at 85% - 5 x 3 reps.
95lbs. WOD: As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of 10 kettlebell swings, 20m shuttle run.
Completed 12 rounds with a 8 lb kettlebell.
April19&20: Naptime exercise didn't happen because GeoDad and I were working on details of our move to the big city and some times we like to grocery shop without Monkey in tow. And it won't stop snowing.. GRRR.
April21: 55 minute online power yoga. LB helped for most of it.. it is much harder to balance when your 7 month old is playing with your toes.
April22: CrossFit: Strength: Power Clean test for 1 rep max.
Never got there, new coach was more detailed with technique and I was having trouble figuring it out. My timing of the lift is way out which is making it hard. WOD: 750 m row, double unders, 500 m row, double unders, 250 m row, double unders. Number of double unders is your age + body weight divided by 3 for each set.
I can't do double unders (Skipping) and normally the ratio is 1 double under = 2 skips. Doing the rough math this would have required me to do 173 skips between rowing each time. Coach and I decided to scale it back to 80 skips. Completed WOD in 12:05.
April 23-April30: Chaos.
Ok, not complete chaos, but we have had a ton going on. We have been staying in Alberta with my Mom while GeoDad looks for work, our house was being watched by housesitters and friends up in the Yukon. When we finally found out that GeoDad had a new awesome job in Calgary it was time to figure out what to do with the rest of our life, and go back home to deal with our house. Here is a rough time line of the last 10 days.
April23 drive to airport, fly part way to the Yukon, overnight in hotel.
April24 arrive in the Yukon. PACK HOUSE! Haul stuff out of storage shed, over the 2 feet of snow in our yard (stupid never ending winter) using snowshoes so we don't sink up to our knees.
April25 PACK HOUSE, putting everything in a storage locker.
April26 Move big furniture to storage locker. LB and I fly back to Alberta, as we left Monkey with my Mom. GeoDad finishing packing house.
April27 GeoDad should have started driving, but had a small amount of work to do for his previous employer (who is now hiring me, but I haven't been trained yet, so GeoDad had to do it).
April28 GeoDad starts the drive south with just a truck load. Blizzards along the way makes for a slow day of driving. Me and kids enjoy the nice weather in Alberta.
April29 GeoDad finishes the drive to back to us in time for dinner. We unload the truck and start looking for a place to live in Calgary.
April30 GeoDad spends a bit of time relaxing and playing with the kids, gets a haircut, changes his cell number then leaves for Calgary. I try to find space for the things we brought back with us (clothes mostly because the kids have grown since we were at home last).
Nice short 2287 km move. |
May1 GeoDad starts his new job. Now its time for me to the kids back into a routine and get myself exercising again. Packing, moving and all the change going on in our lives has been very stressful. I have eaten more chocolate and sweets than I should have, and had more coffee than normal. May is looking like it will be a great month of lessening our stress levels and getting outside to enjoy a bit of spring weather. Maybe I will get some more sewing done too.
Off to do some pilates before kiddos wake up from their naps.