The kids are finally healthy again!! The last 2 weeks of sick kids was exhausting. The day Monkey got feeling better and wanting to venture outside again was super cold, and she wanted to wear a scarf like Mommy, but all of mine are too big for her. So we headed down to sewing room and I let her pick fabric for her own scarf. I figured out a quick easy way to make a toddler sized scarf because she is not very patient when I am making something for her.
After hers was all done she thought that LB needed one too. I didn't have any big pieces of the gear fabric she chose for his, so the back is blue. Both kids are thrilled with their scarves and I am really pleased with how easy they were. How does a tutorial sound, so you can make your own? I will try to get one posted by Friday.

I plugged away on my Farmer's Wife Blocks too. On Block 8, I did my first Y-seam and it wasn't nearly as hard or scary as I had imagined. Having all these bunch of blocks set up for paper piecing has been fantastic and making them so much easier.
The little guy that I am making it for had his baby shower about 2 weeks ago, but I didn't want to take my sick kids to the party... that just isn't nice. So he will get it eventually.
Linking up with Freshly Pieced for Work in Progress Wednesday.
Thanks for stopping by to take a look and check back on the weekend for the tutorial on the Toddler Scarves.