It is official, I am falling on the fitness wagon. Derailed by a cold of my own, plus both kids being sick. Week 6 went pretty well, but week 7 is pretty much a fail for getting exercise everyday. Sleep this week was sporadic and mostly in the armchair in our room with LB sitting up in my lap so he could breathe through his congestion. Naps for both kids were restless as they sneezed and coughed. I wasn't about to take them anywhere, so no CrossFit or outdoor walks with them. The good news is that LB and I are getting better, so I should be able to get back to work on my goals... right after I get Monkey to the doctor this morning.
Here is what I did the last 2 weeks for exercise:
April1: CrossFit - started to do a workout called 'Fight Gone Bad' - 3 rounds of: 1 minute wallballs, 1 minute sumo deadlift high pulls, 1 minute box jumps, 1 minute push press, 1 minute rowing, 1 minute rest. Monkey was having a very bad day and wanted to be held while I did the first round, so I didn't even attempt the second 2. I did do:
21 wallballs, 18 sumo deadlift high pulls (35lbs), 20 step ups (not box jumps), 20 push press (35lbs).
April2: CrossFit: Strength: Box Squats 85% 4x5reps:
85lbs. WOD: 6 rounds: 30 Double unders or 60 skips, 30% pushups, 30% sit ups, 30% squats. Completed:
360 skips, 60 pushups, 72 sit ups, 60 squats in 14:38. Afternoon walk with kids and dog in the park.
April3: Walked to CrossFit and back with Monkey in the stroller and LB in the carrier. Babysat at CrossFit.
April4: CrossFit: Strenght: Power Cleans 85% 5x3 reps.
65lbs. WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of deadlifts 30%, box jumps, 30% Toes to bar.
Completed: 21-12-9-6-3-3-3 reps at 65lbs deadlifts, stepups on 12inch box, and getting my feet to about waist height instead of up to the bar. Toes to bar is hard. Very hard. Also, I can't do box jumps after deadlifts, I just about landing on my face instead of my feet.
April5: 45 minute online yoga fusion
April6&7: No exercise, teething kids not sleeping well or at the same time. And it snowed. Boo to snow in April. Bad reason not to get outside for a walk.
April8: CrossFit: Strength: Sumo Deadlift: Test for 1 Rep Max:
135lbs. WOD: 50 Double Unders (skipping), Row for 10 calories, 40 DUs, Row for 20 Cal, 30 DUs, Row for 30 Cal, 20 DUs, Row for 40 cals, 10 DUs.
I can't do double unders, so I doubled the number of skips in each part. Completed in 15:00.
April9-12: Kids and I were sick. Runny noses, sore throats, achy, tired and no appetite. LB had lots of naps in a room with a humidifier with Vicks vapourizer stuff in it. He also hardly ate any solids, and nursed a ton, so I have been super hungry. Luckily we have run out of Easter chocolate for me to snack on.
April13: Short walk to a charity fabric sale with LB in the carrier. Half of an online yoga class. Kids
were conspiring against me today at nap time.
April14: LB on the mend, Monkey super sick. Still working together against me getting anything done. Monkey woke up coughing during her nap. I had no desire to get started on a yoga class only to get interrupted multiple times. Lame excuses.